· press-release  · 3 min read

Introducing SOLI: Standards for Open Legal Information

SOLI launches as a community-driven project to standardize legal data for all.

SOLI launches as a community-driven project to standardize legal data for all.

We are excited to announce SOLI - the Standard for Open Legal Information - a project that formalizes a shared standard for legal data and knowledge.

Our goal is to transform SOLI into much more than a shared knowledge graph. Having learned from the successes and failures of prior efforts, we are committed to building a transparent, open, and community-driven ecosystem for legal data standards.

A Community-Driven Approach

The SOLI initiative officially began its journey in August 2024, bringing together legal professionals, technologists, and innovators from various backgrounds. This diverse group is united by a common goal: to create a truly open and sustainable standard for legal information.

Institutional Home

SOLI is a project funded and supported by ALEA Institute, a public non-profit organization1 dedicated to advancing the legal and ethical use of AI.

As the world’s most comprehensive and open knowledge graph, SOLI is critical to supporting the reliable use of generative AI in the legal domain. ALEA is committed to supporting SOLI’s growth and development as a public good.

Upcoming Community Engagement

First Town Hall Meeting

Mark your calendars! The SOLI community will be holding its first town hall meeting on September 6th, 2024. This event will provide an opportunity for members to discuss the future of the standard, share insights, and contribute to shaping SOLI’s priorities and roadmap.

The inaugural town hall meeting will be held virtually and open to the public:

While we encourage all interested parties to attend and participate in this important event, the meeting will be recorded and made available for those who are unable to join live.

New Discussion Forum

To facilitate ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing, we are launching a new discussion forum for the SOLI community. This platform will serve as a central hub for members to share experiences, provide feedback, and exchange ideas that will drive the evolution of SOLI.

While we’re still in the early stages of setting up this forum, you can sign up and begin discussions today at https://discourse.openlegalstandard.org/.

Resources in Development

We are actively working on expanding our resources to support the implementation and adoption of SOLI.

In the coming weeks, we will be releasing more information about our GitHub repository and API resources, providing developers and organizations with the tools they need to integrate SOLI into their workflows.

Join the SOLI Community

We invite stakeholders from across public and private sectors to join the SOLI community and contribute to the development of this critical standard.

Stay tuned for more updates, and we look forward to your participation in shaping our shared legal futures with SOLI.

For more information about SOLI and how to get involved, please visit our website or contact us at soli@aleainstitute.ai.


  1. The Institute for the Advancement of Legal and Ethical AI, authorized to conduct business under the name “ALEA Institute,” was incorporated in August 2024 and is seeking an IRS exemption under 501(c)(3). Its governance material, including its Form 1023 and future financials, will be available on https://aleainstitute.ai as soon as it is filed.
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