SOLI Python Library

The SOLI Python Library provides a simple and efficient way to interact with the Standard for Open Legal Information (SOLI) ontology.

This powerful library enables developers, researchers, and legal professionals to seamlessly integrate SOLI into their Python projects, facilitating access to a comprehensive legal information standard.

By leveraging the SOLI Python Library, organizations can accelerate their adoption of the SOLI standard, streamline data science projects in the legal domain, and enhance interoperability across various legal information systems.

GitHub Repository
PyPI Package


The SOLI Python Library offers the following key features:

  • Load the SOLI ontology from GitHub or a custom HTTP URL
  • Conveniently access class information, including RDF(S), SKOS, and OWL properties
  • Search for classes by label or definition
  • Traverse taxonomy relationships like parent/ancestor and child/descendant classes
  • Convert classes to JSON, JSON-LD, OWL XML, or Markdown format


You can install the SOLI Python library using pip:

pip install soli-python

For the latest development version, you can install directly from GitHub:

pip install --upgrade

Quick Start

Here’s a simple example to get you started with the SOLI Python library:

# Install: pip install soli-python
from soli import SOLI

# Initialize the SOLI client
soli = SOLI()

# Search for a class by label
result, score = soli.search_by_label("southern distrcit new york")[0]
print(f"{result.iri} (Score: {score})")
print(f"Preferred Label: {result.preferred_label}")
print(f"Synonyms: {result.alternative_labels}")
print(f"Parents: {[soli[c].label for c in result.sub_class_of]}")

# Output: 
# (Score: 100.0)
# Preferred Label: District Court, S.D. New York
# Synonyms: ['S.D. N.Y.', 'S.D.N.Y.', 'SDNY', 'Southern District of New York', 'NYSD']
# Parents: ['U.S. District Courts']

Key Features

Loading the Ontology

If you want to load a specific version of the ontology, or if you want to load your own modified version, you can still use the SOLI Python library:

# Load from default GitHub repository and branch (1.0.0)
soli = SOLI()

# Load from a custom HTTP(S) URL
soli = SOLI(source_type="http", http_url="")

# Load from acme/our-soli repository, branch 1.2.3
soli = SOLI(github_repo_owner="acme", github_repo_name="our-soli", github_repo_branch="1.2.3")

Loading Class Information

If you know the IRI of a class, you can access its information directly:

# Get a class by IRI
soli = SOLI()

# Access class information by IRI ID

# Access by shorthand namespace

# Access by full URI

# Output:
# OWLClass(label=Denmark, iri=

Legacy identifiers from are also supported transparently for backward compatibility.

Searching for Classes

You can search for classes by label or definition:

# Search by label
results = soli.search_by_label("SDNY")

# Search by definition
results = soli.search_by_definition("legal agreement")

Basic search functionality is provided using both string and token similarity measures.

More details are available in the documentation:

Converting Classes

The SOLI Python library uses Pydantic models to convert classes to and from different formats.

# Convert to JSON (wrapper around .model_dump_json()) 
json_data = contract_class.to_json()

# Convert to JSON-LD
jsonld_data = contract_class.to_jsonld()

# Convert to OWL XML
owl_xml = contract_class.to_owl_xml()

# Convert to Markdown
markdown = contract_class.to_markdown()

For example:

>>> print(soli[""].to_jsonld())
  "@context": {
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "owl:Class",
  "rdfs:label": "Denmark",
  "skos:prefLabel": "Denmark",
  "skos:altLabel": [
  "rdfs:subClassOf": [
      "@id": ""
  "skos:hiddenLabel": "DK",
  "dc:identifier": "EUR-DK"


For more detailed information about using the SOLI Python library, please refer to the full documentation on Read the Docs or source code on GitHub.


Contributions to the SOLI Python library are welcome! If you’d like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
  3. Make your changes and write tests if applicable
  4. Run the test suite to ensure everything is working
  5. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes

For more information, see the contribution guidelines.


The SOLI Python library is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the SOLI Python library, please open an issue on GitHub or open a discussion topic on the SOLI community forum.